Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The role of money in American politics has always been a touchy subject with people wanting to ensure equality for all citizens within a democracy. However, seemingly more and more today we see money exchanging hands among the government officials, or the wealthy influencing presidential campaigns to ensure the values they desire if the candidate was to gain office. It's these decades of policy benefiting the rich at the expense of the middle class that has left us in the trouble we're in. These policies were supported by the population because of the idealistic approach to how, in America, anyone can be a millionaire, but that's a lie. It's incredibly difficult to raise above your current class. For example an inner city kid in a single parent household on welfare will be significantly disadvantaged comparative to an upper class private school graduate as far as probability of success. So any middle/lower class parents will support these changes in hopes that their child will become successful enough to benefit from this bureaucracy. This rarely if ever happens... And so the growing gap between the upper and middle class continues.

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