Friday, April 27, 2012

The ethics and morality of lobbying is a double edged sword, as people with socioeconomic power can serve their own interests by corrupting the law. On the other hand; however, are the lobbyists representing voters against the tyranny of the masses or non-profit movements. Their relative evil can be judged on how good a group's lobbyists are at presenting their corrupt ideas as good ones and as to what exactly they're using their power to do in government. For example; corporations looking to support oil drilling in a nature preservation are significantly more evil than Greenpeace lobbying to get their voice heard over an issue of an illegal logging in national parks, for example. Thus one of the more significant things we could do in government today is to protest the power corporations and other socioeconomic groups have when affecting change in government through the use of lobbyists. This protest would hopefully lead to government policy limiting the ability for outside entities to have an active part in promoting nominees or affecting other legislative bodies over independent voters.

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